Lots of folks like to envision "the big one" in California and all of the destruction that would ensue, but not too many think about the effect that Cumbre Vieja, or the "old summit" on La Palma in the Canary Islands, might have on the eastern US from the northeast to Florida.

The fear is that the Cumbre Vieja might fail, and if it does so in one complete collapse, the crumbling mountain falling into the ocean would cause a mega tsunami that would quickly spread across the Atlantic Ocean.

Here is a simulation of the tsunami:
So, not too worried about this here in the Rockies!!

So Mo Brooks is right that rocks falling into the ocean would raise the sea level.
JR, precisely!!
Maybe the tsunami target would be New York City as New York kill your baby laws have been liberalized to extend the period to 9 months. Kill your baby a day before delivery in New York? No problem.
Mark - and maybe it will target Boone, NC, and wipe out Franklin Graham! I will agree that I see only vary rare justification for late-term or partial birth abortions. However, I will also say that unwanted pregnancies that end with abortion could be completely eliminated if the male involved would just keep it in his pants, or better yet, be sterilized.
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