Wednesday, January 10, 2018


A man, two guns, held high by his face.
Some of you may remember this Clint Eastwood movie - unfortunately Josey Wales had far more redeeming characteristics than AG Jeffey Sessions. I have always considered Sessions to be a duplicitous reprobate of the CINO variety, but his recent blinkered actions regarding marijuana prompted this particular rant.  Sessions cherry picks which issues he believes are federal in nature versus which he believes belong in the realm of state's rights.  He simply follows his own personal preferences, even though on the marijuana issue, he is willfully ignoring the preferences of the majority of states, the majority of the electorate and the majority of the science.  Hopefully he will go down in flames during one of the current inquiries into obstruction of justice.  The following posters pretty much sum up the despicable actions of this man:




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Bizzy Brain said...

Marijuana is still illegal under federal law. However, if most everyone in the country loves it and wants to use it and to decriminalize it, then it should be a simple matter for Congress to get on board and pass a law legalizing it. Isn’t that the way America is supposed to work? Then people wouldn’t have to rage against an attorney general who is simply trying to enforce a law.

Bizzy Brain said...

BTW, I voted and it didn't register.

Bizzy Brain said...

The argument that I didn't see is that Congress won't repeal the marijuana laws because of the influence of Big Pharma. The widespread use of medical marijuana could cost the drug companies untold billions as it would replace much more expensive pills and other remedies, thus Big Pharma contributes heavily to lawmakers to keep the current laws in place to help staunch the loss of income.

Douglas E said...

Reload the page - I believe it registered.

Douglas E said...

BB - your parroting the worn-out talking points of the radical right was certainly expected. As you noted, Congress is just as loathsome for not doing its job, which is fairly simple - remove cannabis from the Schedule 1 controlled substances list. There is no justifiable reason that it remains Schedule 1 - as you note, it is the powerful Big Pharma lobbies that have likely kept it there. I don't know whether to refer to Sessions as Lying Jeff [talk to Colorado Senator Gardner and others about that] or Senile Jeff [I don't remember] - it seems ludicrous that we have an AG who will lie under oath about facts and then has to back track when the facts are presented to him. If Sessions is a stickler for simply enforcing the law, I believe that sexual molestation is against the law. There are at least 19 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct - is Jeffey going after them? One is he said she said; maybe the same for 2 or 3, but 19??!! Give me a break. I think that Sessions is just angry that he can't grab pussy like the POTUS. Is Jeffey going after Big Pharma and the Medical Industry for their collusion in the opiod epidemic? Go look up opiod od's versus marijuana od's. You appear to be a mere ditto head when I think that you are likely smarter than that - of course we know that smart people can believe stupid stuff!! :-)

Dapper Lad said...

POTUS never actually grabbed anyone by the P word. He was speaking figuratively in regard to female hypergamy. In other words, certain woman are so enamored of celebrities that you can do anything you want to them such as "grab them by the P word." If any woman believes Trump broke the law, she is more than welcome to file a lawsuit and present her case in court. What's holding them back? They may even be able to make a few hundred thousand, such as Paula Jones was paid by lecherous pervert, Bill Clinton.

Douglas E said...

Dapper - not sure how you know that about the Orange One. Indeed, he has been accused of putting his hands up women's skirts. He was also sued for rape of 13 year old girl, and that was mysteriously dropped. I think you are right about the women filing suit, and I also think that that will happen.

Dapper Lad said...

I listened to the tape and read the transcript from whence the "grab them..." quote appeared. The 13 year old rape accusation was dropped because it was a bogus lawsuit brought by Norm Lubow, a former producer on the Jerry Springer Show. Lubow was involved in previous allegations that OJ Simpson bought illegal drugs the day Simpson's wife was murdered and that Kurt Cobain’s widow had the Nirvana frontman killed.

Bizzy Brain said...

I have no problem with cannabis being legalized in a non-intoxicating form for medicinal purposes, but do not believe legalizing it for smoking or baking in brownies (it has to be heated to release its intoxicating qualities) is a good idea due to the deleterious affect it has on young brains and minds. I don’t think Big Pharma will be successful in preventing non-intoxicating cannabis for medical purposes. However, If there are medical benefits from smoking it, that is an unresolved issue.
Also, from the tenor of your comments, Douglas E, it sounds as if you are trying to elicit a tirade. Lol! Okay, here goes: I know the lefties hate Trump and anyone or anything to do with his administration as they had such high expectations for Hillary to continue taking the country down the path to a globalist Tower of Babel. But after eight years of a lying, muslim, hate America, Marxist, shit-brained faggot as President, who nearly brought the country to ruin with his total depravity and corruption, the Good Lord saw fit to give us relief and respite in the form of a President Donald Trump.

Douglas E said...

So you boys believe a pathological liar versus the claims of over 20 women, the latest being a porn star who claims she was paid off. I really don't give a rip about Trump's sex life - I simply cannot stand his duplicitous and cavalier approach toward holding the most powerful position on earth. And, excellent rant Bizzy - can't wait to share it with my leftist friends!!!

Bizzy Brain said...

You always make good points, DE. Like I have said before, I never understood why rich and powerful men should ever be guilty of sexual misconduct. With all the many, many women who would willing hook up with Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer, why would they have to force themselves on anyone? What pleasure is there in trying to get physical with a woman who isn't interested? Maybe Freud could answer that one. But if the Trumpster gets you down, just check out the substantial gains in your retirement portfolio since Trump became President. That should have some soothing effect.

Bizzy Brain said...

The story about a porn star who was paid off is fake news. You can read the real story here:

Buckshot Roberts said...

Pathological liar? Claims of over 20 women? Sounds like you're referring to the Lizard Queen. Just sayin'...

Douglas E said...

Indeed the Lizard Queen ranks right up there with the Orange One. All politicians are scum; some just scummier than others!

Douglas E said...

Bizzy, your fake news is just as fake as the WSJ. And there were actually two porn stars that Trump allegedly hit on at his 2006 golf tournament. If Trump doesn't want something to be reported in his favor, he simply claims fake news, and that the press is the enemy of the people - a phrase love by Stalin and Mao alike.

Bizzy Brain said...

Maybe Trump was just flirting. Porn stars may be alluring, etc., but who would want to risk putting his thingy in their thingy? I sure wouldn't for fear it would rot off or leave me with an incurable disease. You mentioned earlier Trump's "duplicitous and cavalier approach." On the surface, Trump may seem like a bungling moron, a role he frequently likes to play because it induces his enemies to consistently underestimate him shortly before their defeats. He plays — like an actor — a braggart with an aggression complex and an over-active ego. So far, none of this appears to be real, and the results can be seen plainly.

Bizzy Brain said...

By the way, the press is the enemy of the people by being totally full of bullshit and lies while the truth goes unreported. Do you think you will ever see a story in the MSM about the booming economy or how the black unemployment rate is lower than it has been in umpteen years? Of course not.

Douglas E said...

BB - maybe you should spend some time reading the MSM :-) The Denver/Washington Post, certainly MSM, had quite good coverage of the black unemployment rate [lowest ever since statistics have been kept] as soon as the data came out; they also have had extensive coverage of the economic boom, which has been primarily a boom for the already rich. Wall Street is doing fine, but less that 50% of us Americans actually benefit from a soaring stock market. Trickle down has always been dubious, and Congress has been complicit to the fact that most of us are receiving less $$ in Social Security payments than last year. Amazing how Republicans don't mind ballooning the deficit when the rich are the primary beneficiaries.

Bizzy Brain said...

You are right, I don't read the MSM. Just go by what is or isn't on MSM TV. Am happy to hear there is some good news being reported in the print media. I don't connect a soaring stock market to the economy in general because there is often little correlation between a company's profit picture and it's stock price. Some high profit companies have a low stock price and some companies that have never turned a profit have high stock prices. Gross Domestic Product is a much more reliable measure. You say the economic boom primarily benefits the already rich. So be it. So what? The poor unemployed schmuck on the street gets a job and he is happy as hell and doesn't care if his boss makes a few bucks in the process. What's he supposed to say, "I hate this goddam economic boom because it just makes the rich richer!" Re: ballooning deficit. It doubled under Obama and was spent mostly on social programs.

Jack Hoff said...

Hmm...seems like the only solution to "unfair" capitalism is socialism/communism.

Douglas E said...

Jack - get ahold of yourself! :-) All things are not black and white, either or - e.g. "Democratic socialism is a political ideology that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1] with an emphasis on self-management or democratic management of economic institutions within a market socialist or decentralized socialist planned economy.[2]

Democratic socialists hold that capitalism is inherently incompatible with the democratic values of liberty, equality, and solidarity; and that these ideals can only be achieved through the realization of a socialist society. Democratic socialism can be supportive of either revolutionary or reformist politics as a means to establish socialism."

One example of how the current system is out of whack is the income of the hedge fund managers. Many make a billion a year for producing absolutely nothing - simply playing with the wealth of others.

Jack H. said...

Your mention of hedge fund managers is an example of financialization of the economy. Like you say, financial wheeling and dealing produces absolutely nothing. Our economy used to consist of about 10% financial activity. I read that it is now up to about 30%, not a healthy sign. I lay most of the blame at the feet of the Federal Reserve. They came up with a zero interest rate policy that benefited the banksters and other high rolling financial wheelers and dealers, that along with printing trillions of money. However, our system still beats Venezuela and Cuba.

Douglas E said...

Agreed - and here are some more sad data: "Eighty-two percent of the money made last year went to the richest 1 percent of the world’s population, according to a report by anti-poverty charity Oxfam. With these numbers, the charity claimed that the gap between the global rich and poor has further increased. “Tax evasion, firms’ influence on policy, erosion of workers’ rights, and cost cutting” were the identified factors that contributed to the growing disparity. In this year’s report, the richest 42 people in the world had as much wealth as the poorest half."

Jack H. said...

We do not notice it in this country, but the standard of living worldwide has increased dramatically over that last few years. Even though the rich are getting richer, the poor are also getting richer. 63% of the population of the world have mobile phones and about half of those are smart phones, which I don't even own and never will own. (Mine is an old fashioned flip phone.)

Mike H. said...

Interesting quote on democratic socialism. Am trying to think if it exists or has ever existed anywhere. There is mention of the ideals of "liberty, equality, and solidarity," I suppose lifted from the French Revolution, which I read reduced the population by about 10% and reduced the French IQ level by about 10 points. I don't think those utopian ideals will ever be reached. It's kind of like whack-a-mole. You have a unified, stable community of, let's say, religious believers, then a church pastorette decides it's fine and dandy for her to "marry" her dyke girlfriend. Poof! Your solidarity is out the window.

Douglas E said...

Mike - you are no doubt more knowledgeable than I am on such things, but it seems that one could argue that no defined system of government actually exists in its purest form; democracy, republic and on down the line. And totally agree that utopia will never be achieved - maybe after humans are replaced with AI robots! One thing that I find interesting is that so many folks tout the "American Way" and yet the US is pretty far down on the list of Happiest Countries - 14th in the latest survey: Thinking about moving to Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland..... :-)

Mike H. said...

You are so right, Douglas E, no such thing as a pure government. Don't know much about happy countries, save to say that if people aren't happy, they pretty much have themselves to blame in most cases. Our country does provide more opportunity than most if people choose to seize it. Unfortunately, if people are brainwashed into thinking they are victims, then they may not be inclined to take advantage of opportunity. "I can't succeed because of our patriarchal, oppressive, exploitive, homophobic, bigoted, blah, blah, blah society." "But at least I have a smart phone, flat screen, free food and medical care and housing, and all the sex, intoxicants, and entertainment I can handle."

Mike H. said...

Might add that the basic purpose of government rulers, according to Romans 13, is to combat evil, i.e. establish some semblance of civil order to keep us from destroying each other.