Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Apparently FaceBook thinks so - got this from Jerry Coyne's website, and you can read the entire post and ongoing commentary here.

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bes said...

No. It is not hate speech. It is truth speech. albeit presented in an inflammatory manner better known as sarcasm. Based on my line of study, Muslims are deeply offended by statements like these, critical of Islamic ideals. In many such circles, this disrespect for the perfection of Islam is punishable by....... wait for it....... wait for it....... death.

A very good friend and colleague is married to a Muslim. Not actually a Muslim in faith, but by heritage (Uzbekistan). She is not a practicing Muslim, which makes her an apostate. That alone is punishable by death. I had a frank discussion with him about her faith out of sensitivity to their beliefs and relationship. They have two daughters, celebrate Christmas and hide Easter eggs. Talk about tolerance. I love this planet.

As I delve further into this eery religious cult, I find varying degrees of intolerance: Indifferent intolerance, complete intolerance, and a fanatical, militant, barbaric intolerance that means you're going to lose something (money, limb(s) or your life). This all came together for me when I saw the scene in American Sniper, where the man of the house, in desperation to prove his subjugation to the Islamic State and his willingness to cooperate with American forces, trotted out one of his daughters, showing the stump of her arm, amputated above the elbow.

The situation did not improve for them, as the IS discovered them collaborating with the infidels. The Butcher drilled holes in his son's head in front of him and he was eventually shot.

So if this post is talking to the Baghdadi Caliphate of the Islamic State, it fails the hate speech test. But the Facebook robots, just like the censors on live TV, give each message its one second due before hitting the squelch button.


Bizzy Brain said...

Your being full of shit does not meant I hate you. American media is in the grips of a form of insanity, that insanity being liberalism, i.e. radical leftism, and insane because of its take on the psychotic concepts of multi-culturalism (all cultures are equal), political correctness (you can only think or say what we approve of), equality (no one must ever feel excluded or be offended), and diversity (we are stronger because of).
The poster in no way can be considered hate speech, except by an insane person. Sometimes, however, the thought does occur that the left does not actually believe it is hate speech, but just says that to demonize opposition to advance their suicidal ideology. Then again, I come to my senses when I do hear leftists sincerely state that simply because a person upholds thousands of years of tradition and his religious belief that marriage consists of the union of one man and one woman, nothing more and nothing less, that that person is a hater and a bigot. They aren’t just saying it, they truly believe it. That person is in the grips of some demonic logic, a form of insanity. The leftist believes that when a person expresses a certain belief, it means he hates people who hold a different belief. Who is the anal canal pus sac here?

Not From Planet Boulder said...

Bizzy Brain(less) - or at least a one track brain. You sound like a broken record, with everything being the fault of the MSM, the leftists, the gays, the non-fundamentalist Christians, and so on. Like so many Republicans and not a few Democrats, always laying the blame but rarely offering any constructive, logical and/or doable solutions. Like Fox News, rant and rave, but where are the solutions? If folks feel that they are losing the cultural battles, they should figure out why, not just piss and moan that they are losing. Maybe there are some logical reasons why the majority of folks are OK with same sex marriage, or with other things that you so rabidly disparage. Again, the question here was "Is this hate speech" and most of us here would agree that it is stupid to label this hate speech, and that FaceBook was kissing the ass of radical Muslims because they know that radical Muslims may come and kill them whereas radical Christians or radical Jews or radical Hindus will not. Get off of your high horse and give us some thoughtful positive possible solutions that are actually doable in the 21st century, not in the 19th where a lot of conservative seem to live.

Bizzy Brain said...

Hey, Not from Planet Boulder, I’m not from the 19th century, I’m from the 1st century. I believe the Bible is the unerring word of God and presents the reality of the origin, nature, purpose, and destiny of man. It is futile to argue with those don’t believe the truths of the Bible. We are from different “planets” so to speak. (Hardy har har) I can state that certain sexual acts are an abomination based on Scripture and the person who does not believe in the Bible can say I am wrong. That is nothing but an unresolvable conflict of opinion, thus no thoughtful, positive solutions are to be found. My opinion is those who don’t believe in Bible truth or that the Bible matters are deceived and they in turn believe I am deceived. I am not a fascist trying to shove Bible truth down your throat, but many of those who hate the Bible are fascists trying to shove their anti-Biblical beliefs down my throat and force it on the culture. Does that mean I am losing? No. The culture loses. Mankind loses, and that is all foretold in Bible prophecy, for “many are called, but few are chosen." My advice to you, Not, is to get yourself to a good Bible believing church and open up your mind, soul, and spirit to reality and Bible believing Christian joy.

DES said...

bes - thanks for your informative comment. I think that it is interesting that the lunatic fundamentalist Muslims are longing for Muslim theocracy just like some dominionist Christians longing for a Christian theocracy. Maybe we could carve out a couple of nations for each that would be adjacent to one another! Also, some radicals in both groups long for the apocalypse and the end of the world as we know it.

DES said...

Bizzy and NFPB appear to be great representatives of two sides of the cultural divide between secularism and religiosity. While Bizzy states that he is not trying to shove Bible truth down anyone's throat, there certainly are a lot of Christians who are. And as Bizzy notes, there is shoving from the secularists as well, although I wouldn't be quite so willing to label either side fascists. For me, the bottom line appears to be that neither side is willing to talk to the other side, or even to get to know anyone else on the other side. And, I don't see much room for dialog when one group holds that all truth comes from the Bible and the other group dismisses much of the Bible as the traditions of bronze age nomads.

Nostradumbass said...

Yes, DES, there is a great, unbridgeable divide between good and evil, the good as exemplified by Biblical morality, and the evil as anything in opposition to that morality, i.e. “sin” (OMG I used that word!). And the more we depart from morality, the more chaos it brings to our society. The Mennonite Church is a good example. Have been close to that denomination all my life through family connections and cannot recall any serious disruptions until recently. Chaos now reigns in the denomination as segments of it abandon Biblical morality by declaring that homosexual acts are not immoral. I now jokingly divide the Mennonites into three divisions – the Heteronites, the Homonites, and the Dialoguenites (let’s talk it over). Unity will return only when the denomination totally embraces sexual sin or totally rejects sexual sin. I don’t expect that to happen.
Biblical morality is the biggest obstacle to those who advocate for a one-world, or at least an American, socialist utopia, which explains why Bible believing Christians are so reviled and ridiculed by those on the left. However, as those utopians gain more power and influence, the more chaotic the world becomes. Pick up any newspaper or listen to any newscast for a taste of what havoc and chaos the immoral madman in the White House is wreaking.
There is a crucial Supreme Court decision coming up regarding gay “marriage.” If the court redefines marriage out of existence by ruling that it includes same sex unions and does not leave those moral decisions up to the individual states, I predict a large jolt of additional chaos will ensue by the end of the year.

Lou Siefer said...

Wholeheartedly agree with you Nostra. The success and strength of Western Civilization is based on the Judeo-Christian ethic, and the more the West abandons that ethic the more it descends toward eventual oblivion. That is why I relish my man in the White House, Mr. Obama. He is tearing the guts out of the USA by nationalizing practically everything and robbing the populace of its freedom, liberty, prosperity, and most important of all, its morality. Think it’s bad now? You ain’t seen nothing yet. One of my biggest triumphs of this year will be to see the legalization of so-called gay “marriage” nation wide. What a total joke, one of my cleverest deceptions, right up there with legalized baby murder, and the destruction of the 1st Amendment. Stay tuned suckers!

Yodie Yoder said...

Facebook says the post was removed because it doesn’t follow “Facebook Community Standards.” FB’s pants are very much on fire. I am a member of the so-called “Facebook community” and I and none of my FB friends and none of their friends have as any of our standards the sticking of our heads as far as we can up Muslim ass so as to not offend them.

DES said...

Bizzy (with the imprimateur of Lucifer) - I do believe that most of us here get it: you hate Obama and nearly everything that is "going wrong" [in your opinion] is due to the President and his minions; you find all truth in the Bible, but tend to overlook that there are some contradictory "truths" in Scripture, and thus you choose one that fits your bias; similarly, your often refer to Bible believing, but once again it is your interpretation of Scripture that equals Bible believing.

So - a simple request, stick to the topic of the post and refrain from bringing up the SOS repeatedly. Or find your comments among the "disappeared" :-)

Bizzy Brain said...

Okay, DES, I take it all back. The poster IS hate speech and FB was correct in removing it. A significant portion of humankind is of the Muslim faith. They are united by specific and unique views on culture, religion, economics, government, and politics. Like any other religious-political-social organization, they seek to empower themselves and maintain their identities. They have a God-given right as human beings and children of God to articulate their views and express and affirm their culture and religion without fear of harassment and discrimination. There are modern day zealots of the Muslim faith willing to defend it to the death in order to preserve it. Who are we to mock those zealots? Wasn’t it Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane who cut off an adversary’s ear in defense of his Lord? He probably intended to split his skull in half and missed. Likewise we cannot judge an entire religion by the behavior of a few zealots. If a few being made fun of react as Peter did, we cannot fault them, and we certainly should not be making fun of them. Allahu Akbar!

Bizzy Brain said...

I can spread it around as well as anyone. ROFLMAO!

DES said...

BB - good one! But I think that we can agree that the issue is "Is the poster hate speech?" and the obvious answer to me is No.