Saturday, March 31, 2007



When you are having fun, as they say. I readily admit that I am way behind on posting to the blog, but will also say that not too many folks have asked why! :-) So, to catch up a bit. After Rachel and Jonathan left, we too headed to the States since there was a fair amount of time before classes resumed at the beginning of February. It was interesting leaving the middle of summer and in less than a day, being in the middle of winter in Colorado. We arrived in Boulder on the ninth, and during our time there, were able to visit with the kids in Boulder and Denver, have fun with Silas [and giving Jaime a bit of rest-time as her pregnancy continues to go well], make a day trip to Colorado Springs to visit with friends and to tour the new Beth El Mennonite Church facility, attend Boulder Mennonite, and to make a quick trip to Indiana to see the parents, Ed and Mary, sister Kay, family and friends. I came back to BsAs for the beginning of classes on February 5, and Rhonda stayed in Colorado an extra week to spend a bit more time with the kids and to get Silas ready for his big trip to Argentina!

Silas Building "Forts" in Colorado

Indiana Ed - Going Strong at 90