Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Little girl with measles


Latest Measles Outbreak - Read about it here
Looks like we can thank our Mennonite brethren for this recent outbreak: 

"The measles case count in Texas and New Mexico likely represents a fraction of the true number of infections. Health officials suspect that between 200 and 300 people are infected but untested. The cases in West Texas appear to trace back to unvaccinated members of a Mennonite community."
Mennos in general are not anti-vaxx but some of the more conservative communities are similar to the Amish in their attitudes toward anything recommended or mandated by the government.  Thankfully my parents saw the need for my childhood vaccinations including smallpox and polio.


Lou Stuhl said...

The millions of illegal aliens entering the country must show proof of vaccination against measles and the other childhood diseases with a valid shot record. If the record is not up to date, or they lack one, the illegal is not admitted, thus illegals are not bringing any diseases into the country. That policy also applies to the cartels and human smugglers. Snopes reports that Israel has large measles outbreaks and unvaccinated travelers from there are spreading the disease in this country. So, in addition to the dastardly Mennonites and Amish, it sounds like the Jews are dastardly, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Loose - you are right on. Many of the ultraconservative Jews are also antivaxxers - and they kinda look like the Amish!