Rank Male Female
1 Liam Emma
2 Noah Sophia
3 Mason Olivia
4 Ethan Isabella
5 Jacob Ava
6 Jack Mia
7 Jackson Emily
8 Lucas Charlotte
9 Aiden Amelia
10 Logan Ella
Below are state maps for the girls from 2011 and 2012 - couldn't find the maps for the boys???

A list of trendy names can be found here, and include such winners as Thor, Mingus, Severine, and Phaedra. And a list of just plain wierd names can be found here - how would you like to grow up being named Excel, Jazzy, Sesame, Yoga, Drifter, Elite, Neon or Vice? Sheesh....
I read an internet article that said Harry and Amelia are the top names in the UK.
BB - Harry I understand, but Amelia???
Hi there,
I saw that you had talked about baby naming on your blog and I wanted to reach out with an infographic that features a section on how baby names have changed (or stayed the same) from 1913-2013. I thought it might be an interesting twist for a followup post
The infographic is here: http://www.moneychoice.org/then-vs-now/
It would be really great if you could share it on your blog. As a thank you, I can send visitors directly to your post if you would like. (Just send me the post's URL). If you are too busy to blog, a tweet or facebook share would be much appreciated instead.
Cara Delany
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