Sunday, November 25, 2012


Regarding a Taizé service, a colleague said "I don't think that it matters whether or not one is a believer, if you enjoy communal singing and a time of meditation, you will be moved by Taizé."  And I agree.  I have been to several Taizé services, from Malibu to Hong Kong to Heidelberg, and although each has been slightly different, they all have the same sense of communal inward reflection.  The Taizé service at Peterskirche was typical of a larger service, with hundreds of participants and songs accompanied by a seven piece chamber group and a lead singer.  A previous service in Heidelberg was at the Jesuitenkirche Krypta and was much smaller, more intimate, and accompanied by only a single keyboard.  The service in Hong Kong was amazing - the new leader of the Taizé community, Brother Alois, was present, and thus the gathering was large and the singing and accompanyment ethereal.
Jesuitenkirche Krypta
 As usual, the language changed from song to song.  Below is a favorite in German.

Behüte mich, Gott, ich vertraue dir, du zeigst mir den Weg zur Leben. Bei dir ist Freude, Freude in Fülle.

Keep me, O Lord, for I trust in you. You show me the path of life. With you, there is fullness of joy.

Garde-moi,mon Dieu, j'ai confiance en toi. Tu m'entraînes sur le chemin de Vie. Auprès de toi, plénitude de joie.


Daniel said...

I absolutely loved the Taizé service, Doug . Thank you so much for making us aware of where and when it takes place in Heidelberg.

All the best,


S3 said...

Had never heard of a Taize service until your post. There is a large Methodist church in my area which offers a Taize service once a month where they say you will "come away nurtured and refreshed." Hey, I'm all for that. It was not mentioned if they pass the collection plate or not.

Dr S said...

SSS - Go! And no passing of the plate - at least there never has been one at any gathering I have attended.