Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Cal Thomas was also asked to comment on Rick Perry's views of evolution:

Q. Texas governor and GOP candidate Rick Perry, at a campaign event this week, told a boy that evolution is ”just a theory” with “gaps” and that in Texas they teach “both creationism and evolution.” Perry later added “God is how we got here.” According to a 2009 Gallup study , only 38 percent of Americans say they believe in evolution. If a majority of Americans are skeptical or unsure about evolution, should schools teach it as a mere “theory”? Why is evolution so threatening to religion?
It is a useless argument because creationists will never persuade evolutionists they are right and evolutionists will never persuade creationists they are right. No one was there “in the beginning” so I am going to trust what God said. If people don’t want their children taught evolution as fact, they have options. They can home school them, or send them to schools that teach what they believe. If they choose to send them to public schools where evolution -- and the consequences of that theory -- are taught, then they have made a decision that will result in their children learning humans are material and energy shaped by pure chance in a random universe, with no author of life, no purpose for living and no destination after we die. ..a little more complex than a cabbage, but of no greater moral significance. This is the outworking of evolutionary theory. If parents send their kids to public schools, they should be aware of this and not try to rationalize their decision.


  1. Bizzy Brain8:19 AM

    I had to keep a watchful eye on what my kids were taught in elementary school. For example, did you know the purpose of Thanksgiving was to give thanks to the Indians? I didn't either, thus had to let my kids know Thanksgiving was to give thanks to God.

  2. Bizzy - that's a new one for me. Most schools have taken any religious connotations out of holidays including Halloween - too Wiccan I guess :-)
