Saturday, March 19, 2011


Alberto Granado, Argentine biochemist, research scientist, medical school professor and author passed away on March 5, 2011.  Alberto was probably best known as Ernesto "Che" "Fuser" Guevara's friend and companion in the Motorcycle Diaries.

Che & Alberto with La Poderosa II

I first learned of Alberto while reading Jon Lee Anderson's extensive biography of Guevara, Che Guevara:  A Revolutionary Life and observed the movie version of Alberto in The Motorcycle Diaries that was based on the diaries that both Granado and Guevara kept on their 5000 mile trip across South America.  Alberto and Fuser choose different paths toward revolution - Che said that there could be no revolution without guns, and Alberto did not accept his friend's strategy.  For anyone interested in understanding how two priviledged youth, a physician and a scientist, an asthmatic and his companion, could travel such different paths, I highly recommend Anderson's book.  It helps in understanding how Che at 39, was executed in Bolivia, and Alberto, at 88 died of natural causes in Cuba.

From the movie - review here.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Wasn't your father a butcher at one time in his life, Dr. S?

  2. Anon - you are correct; Ed worked for a bit in a meat market in Pigeon, MI. We have a picture of him behind the meat counter, and as I remember, the sign on the counter reads "Hamburger - 3 lbs for a 25 cents."

    Are you saying that Ed and Che were both butchers? :-)

  3. very nice pictures
    know a lot now
